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Bad Boys Can't Date Persephone


She's been sheltered. He won't go back to a cage. What happens when they find themselves trapped together?

I think it's fair to say that my mum is overprotective. In fact, I'm pretty sure if she had her way, I wouldn't be dating until I'm thirty.

But I can't stop thinking about this boy who keeps visiting my workplace. He's definitely a bad boy - someone my mum would not approve of - and his smile sends strange flutters through me.

When I'm caught in a rainstorm, he offers me a ride back to his place to wait it out. There's no way I'm turning that down, but almost as soon as the rain dies down the wards he's got around the place activate, leaving us both trapped. Turns out he's hiding from his very rich and dangerous family, and they just turned up in Topaz Coast. The wards are meant to protect him but since they won't relax until his family leaves, we are officially stuck together.

I don't know who is going to be the bigger problem - my family or his.

Bad Boys Can't Date Persephone is the second story in Tales of Topaz Coast, a series of short fairytale retellings set in a modern, magical world. Grab a cup of tea and enjoy all the beauty of spring in this sweet, clean story!


Lucy Winton

Adventure. Magic. Friendship. Love.

2022. Proudly created with WIX.COM
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